Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Footsteps of Amelie...

Before  left for my trip.  I looked on the internet for a walking tour to find the different locations in Paris where the Film "Amelie" was shot on location.  I was excited to find one and copied the route into my mapbook.  David and I ventured to Montmarte to see what we could find.   The tour directions from the internet were right on.  We were able to locate the Cafe des 2 Moulins where Amelie worked in the film was set.  We stopped for a coffee and had a waitress that looked very much like Amelie.  The set was that same except for the tobacco stand inside the cafe.  The next place we found was the Colingnon Grocery market.  It was the same just a few more post card stands and the Amelie stars headshots in the window.   The other location was the Metro Station Lamarak-Caulaincourt where Amelie leads the blind man when she starts to do good deeds.  If you have not seen the film I highly recommend it.  The French really treasure it as a great expression of French culture.  This was a fun outing in Paris, it took me to a location in the city I have never seen.   The area was busy with locals and tourist.  The area is very close to the Moulin Rouge. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I met the young scientists from Paris at a recent meeting they mentioned how popular these sites were; I'm glad they weren't to crowded! They kindly agreed that the movie "Ratatouille" also captures French culture (LOL)! --Kim