Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wonderful News from Paris

We are excited to announce that during our last full day in Paris David and I became engaged to be married!  David took me to the Jardin de Palais Royal a secluded French garden within the French Royal Palace just steps from the Lourve.  We walked along a colonnade of squared trees and sat on a Parisian park bench.  There David asked for my hand in marriage and I said YES! He got down on one knee and presented me with a beautiful diamond ring that he kept hidden the entire trip. The proposal was like a dream.  Then we looked up and noticed that the trees we were sitting under had thousands of leaves shaped like hearts!  It is one of the most treasured moments of our lives!  I am so excited to share it with you.   


Anonymous said...

Wow! How romantic! Congratulations! Please post pictures of the ring too! - Heidi

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lara I am so happy for you. I guess dreams do come true.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lara (David too)! I'm very happy for you.

Anonymous said...


CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!! How perfectly dreamy !! I am so thrilled for you. What a phenomenal trip !


Ray said...


- David's cousin Ray