Friday, July 4, 2008

Welcome to Paris~No bathroom for you!

Once I touched down in Paris I caught up with my boyfriend David at the Acoustics Paris 08 Conference at the Palais des Congres Expo Center. David's 2 talks were well received. He "Rocked the Acoustical House" I am including some pixs of the Expo center.  I love the word euronoise on the sign.  The euro nose in Paris so far: beeping car horn, motorcycles, and yippie Parisian dogs.
 The Palais des Congres is a very impressive building, very modern except for one thing...all the public bathrooms are locked. I went to three separate facilities in the building and all were locked up...I hope this is not a sign of things to come!  Tonight we will celebrate David's completion of his work for the conference and the start of a great vacation... Oh and independence day for the USA!

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