Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bizarre Food Adventures ~Paris

Bizarre food is easy to find in Paris.  David and I went to our first French restaurant and there on the menu was some classic French bizarre food appetizers.  I got the garlic bone marrow to spread on toast.  "Tres Yummy" I grew up fighting over who gets the marrow when our family would cook steak.  My brother-in-law said it is the food of the devil...eating marrow is so wrong!  It was prepared with garlic and salt.  You just spoon it on the toast and munch away.  David got the classic Escargot. We used the snail clamp utensil and knife but still struggled to get the little guys out to eat. Then we realized that the tooth picks they gave us were for the escargot to pick them out of the shell and not to be used to pick the marrow and snails from our teeth.  The French really take bizarre foods to a whole new gourmet level! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmm! I love marrow! I don't think we will ever find it on the menu here stateside. Well the family knows about TJ and I! YEAH! Auntie Karen is happy and very excited. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful informative tales of your adventure.