Sunday, July 6, 2008

Rodin = Lady Killer

The stroll through the Musee Rodin was very authentic.  David and I got caught in a cloud burst while taking in the sculpture garden.  Paris is known for rainy weather.   Rodin's works in bronze are 'tres beau" or "very beautiful".  We came across one large bronze female nude titled "Cybele", was a little intimidating, I called it Lady Killer but she is beautiful regardless. See pix.  If you ever get the chance to see the French film Camille Claude it is a great film to learn about Rodin's life and works.  It is the story about his affair with Camille who was one of his apprentice sculptors.  She was of the same caliber of talent as Rodin.  But she later  went insane and was institutionalized.   The Rodin Museum at his request will always  have a room with her work on display.  Camille's work is amazing but has a lonesome quality to it.  The other male apprentice sculptors called her a "witch" because her bust of Rodin conveyed him so well that it haunted them.  It was interesting to see that all of Camille's work had Rodin's signature.  Only when the apprentice becomes a master would he sign their work.   

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