Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's Jubilee Time in Lourdes, France

Sorry for the media blackout.  David and I have been on travel to Lourdes, France on a 30 hour world win trip and train ride on the French TGV.  We got back into Paris and I am just now getting back to blogging.  Seeing all the pilgrims in Lourdes was very moving.  Millions of faithful come here every year to drink the healing waters from the grotto made famous by St. Bernadette who saw 18 visions of Mary.  All of the apparitions of Mary were deemed bona fide by the Vatican.  This year marks the 150 Jubilee year anniversary of the visions of Mary.  The Pope will give a Plenary Indulgence to all Pilgrims that complete the Jubilee way, do acts of kindness, confess sins, and say a list of special prayers.  David and I completed the Jubilee way by following a set path in the town of Lourdes by visiting 4 places, the place of St. Bernadette's family's home, the church where she was baptised, the hospital chapel where she had her first communion, and the grotto where she had her first apparition of Mary.   It was a hard trek believe it.  Lourdes is set in the Pennies mountains in south western France the air is thinner up there.  We noticed when we got off the train that the air smelled so fresh and clean.  David said this is what air is supposed to smell like!  The landscape is unspoiled except for the trinket traps in town. 

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