Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Le Canal of St. Martin

I happened upon a great Sunday treasure in Paris.   The canal of St. Martin become a Parisian flea market.  I was surprised that much of the stuff for sale looks like the same stuff you would find at a flea market in the US.  There were hundreds of vendors selling old clothing collectibles and Parisian junk.  There are no cars allowed on Sundays which was a welcome change from always looking both ways.  Here is a pic of me on one of the many foot bridges that dot the canal.  No cars allowed and only a few people can cross at a time, some are very steep and narrow.  The canal was cared out between 1822 and 1825, at the request of Napoleon to provide the people of Paris with drinking water.  The canal is about 3 miles in length and is considered to be one of the most romantic spots in the city. 

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