Monday, January 21, 2008

Horyuji Temple 1,300 Years and Counting

This Temple is truly awe inspiring! It is Japan's Cultural Heritage Crown Jewel. It is the oldest surviving wooden structure in the world, build during the Asuks Period (A.D. mid 6th beginning of the 8th century) Emperor Yomei build in honor of Buddha to help cure him of his head aches. But he did not live long enough to see it built. Bummer. The grounds were peaceful despite the dreary weather. Kyoko and I noticed that on all of our trips to the various temples across Japan it rained or snowed at each one of them during our visit. Not sure what that means but it never dampened our spirits. The other picture is from the grounds at Horyuji where I climbed inside this ancient tree instead of up it!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the education bits. Love you!

meghan said...

I'm glad you are having a great time. I am enjoying your pictures and commentary.

Anonymous said...

did you carve your name in the tree?