Friday, January 11, 2008

Lost & Found in Translation

Japan at first glance has more than exceeded my expectations. I am absolutely enthralled with this culture. Osaka is a wonderful city very clean and easy to navigate. Everyone that I have come into contact with has been so nice and accommodating. I have included a picture from the cultural center I visited. This is another amazing story. I came upon this coop gallery and was approached by one of the artist working that day. By means of about her 10 words of English and my 10 words of Japanese. She asked which of the 50 works of art was my favorite. I said the "Red Tree", she exclaimed that is one of the two she has painted in the collection! She was happy I liked it and said that this painting is too modern for the Japanese to appreciate and the painting has not been very well recieved. So she was delighted that I liked it best.
There was another Gentleman working with her that took the time to walk me 3 blocks to show me the Osaka Kabuki Theater. We were sad to discover that the Theater is closed for the month. I was glad he came along to translate the sign for me. Even though he only knew about 10 words of English too! I really was concerned at first how I would manage but I see now that we all find ways to communicate. My only regret is I did not get their names.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TJ says visit the Ninja Warriors grounds too! That show is so silly.

Wow! Justin to the city and already friends with the local artists!

The red tree echoes the pattern of blood vessels, very striking image. Thank you for sharing.