Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tokyo at 100 Yen

There is no shortage of places to shop in Tokyo. The Japanese are very aware of brand names and all of the top designers have boutiques in Tokyo. Most of the Japanese are very well dressed and there is no market for fake designer goods here. Tokyo is considered to be one of the most expensive cities in the world, but I was able to spot a few good deals for around one US buck. Here is a list of things you can get in Tokyo for 100 Yen:
-One candy bar at a Fancy Coffee Shop
-10 minutes on the Internet at the Nishi Sunjuku Hotel
-One Arcade game at Sunjuku Game District
-One Piece of Sushi at Asukua Sushi carousel
-One maxi pad in the bathroom at Fancy Japanese Department Store
-Upgrade to buttered chicken for the 17 USD dinner plate special at Curry cafe
-A photo booth book at Tokyo Science Museum
-A bag of rice snack/nut mix on the Tokyo train platform snack stand
-One post card at Imperial Palace Museum
-Oh and anything on the 100 Yen menu at McDonald's

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