Thursday, January 10, 2008

Amazing Coincidence!

I knew that my flight to Japan was charmed when on the first leg of my flight I went to the back of the plane to get a glass of water and my brother-in-law Mike comes around the corner and surprised me! We were both so shocked and freaked out! I thought I was dreaming! It was so random. Mike happened to be on the same flight to San Francisco on business travel!
What a small world. I was delighted cause I never got to say goodbye to him before my trip. Here is the picture we took to document the amazing coincidence...enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Lara that is so funny that you actually ran into your brother in law. Hope you have a great trip to Japan. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures.

Anonymous said...

I saw the pic and was like, "OMG is Mike headed to Japan too?!" Haha, I forgot you gotta go cross country first.

Reminds me of TJ and I running into his old friend from Va Beach on a flight to San Diego.

Love you! Can't wait to hear more!