Sunday, May 25, 2008

Not so Subtle Differences

As promised here is the cultural differences I observed on my trip to Japan.

Cultural Clash
In Japan you must drive on left side of the road
Take your shoes when you enter Japanese home, and also fitting rooms and locker rooms
No tipping is required ~ if you tip it is considered an insult
Excellent customer service ~ this is lacking in the U.S
Great respect for work ~ I observed department store sales clerks bowing towards the sales floor when they entered and exited. A sign of great respect.
There is a nationwide sales tax so they print it on merchandise price tags. There are 2 prices the cost and the cost plus tax. We can’t do that in the U.S. because sales tax varies by State
Bowing instead of shaking hands ~ watch it! Don’t bump heads!

The Japanese idolize sport stars. Except Japanese sports stars play: judo, table tennis, and sumo wrestling
The Japanese idolize pop stars. Many of the Japanese female pop stars are popular for their looks and not necessarily singing talent
Popular American music pop stars. I would not have believed it unless I saw it. Back Street Boys; yes they are still together minus one member, Celene Dion is huge, she was all over the megatrons in Subuya Square, Bon Jovi was in concert in Osaka, they were all over the TV doing interviews they are huge in Japan.
American celebrities product endorsements: Cameron Diaz = Cell bank phones, Tommy Lee Jones = Boss Coffee; Brad Pitt = I could not tell what he was selling (maybe a watch) but his bill boards were all over the metro in Tokyo.
Japanese McDonalds have a value menu too!

Funny Japanese Product Names
Here are some Japanese products that caught my eye. Thinking about the names in American context makes them pretty funny!
Bottled sports drink called “Pocari Sweat”! You could never sell a bottle of sweat in the U.S.! Pocari Sweat is a Japanese brand name for a line of sport drinks similar to Gatorade.
Boss coffee – When does the Boss make coffee?
Hope cigarettes – Need I say more! Yes! By smoking these I hope I don’t get cancer…

Rolling Thunder!

Every Memorial Day Weekend on Sunday tens of thousands of bikers descend on Washington DC to express their solidarity with America's POW, MIA and fallen veterans, that they "Will not be forgotten!" I have to confess that I have been coming to this event for many years and it has become sort of a adrenaline fix for me. To see all of the bikers ride is truly inspirational. It really makes your heart race and burst with pride for America! This year was a special treat because my sister and her husband were among the riders! They are on the Harley Davidson on the left side of the picture all smiles and cheers! I have included a pix of me and my current favorite POW survivor...Senator John McCain! All, la Cardboard cut out of course. But what the heck!