Monday, October 20, 2008

Alert! I am on Biden Watch

As if I need anymore overdose on this election. I have been told that Joe Biden will be staying in the hotel I'm staying in! Wow! Colorado is getting so much attention from both campaigns! I will keep an eye out for him...The Secret Service Agents should be a give-away. Stay Tuned...

Rocky Mountain High! Palin Style!

I have been accused of becoming obsessed with this years Presidential Election...Ok, I can go into a 12 step program after Nov 4th but not a day sooner! lol! While on travel to Colorado Springs, CO I was thrilled to find out that Sarah Palin would be making a campaign rally stop here! So I marched down to the local McCain Campaign offices and scored a ticket! Sarah absolutely Rocked the Rocky Mountain State! It was a great experience to attend a rally and I was struck how the rally was very much the same as the one I attended in Fairfax, VA! Such nice people excited to see Sarah all waiting patiently in a mile long line. We had a special guest, Hank Williams Jr. who sang his new hit song, "McCain Palin Tradition!" He Rocked Too! I had a blast hanging out at the rally with fellow swing-state voters! Here I am pictured with my first Colorado friend Kathleen! Below is a great shot of the National Anthem sung by Hank also. Sarah's Family was there and everyone was so excited! You could feel the energy in the air! We got a seat next to the flag and we were hoping that Sarah saw us up in the stands.