Thursday, September 11, 2008

I can't contain my excitement!

I was so excited to be apart of the McCain~Palin Rally yesterday. I took some video of the speeches. Sorry for the bumpy viewing, I was so excited I could hardly keep the camera still. Buckle up and enjoy the ride! Here is Sarah! (Cindy McCain will introduce her)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain~Palin Rally 2008 Fairfax, VA

I witnessed history today in Fairfax, Virginia! I attended the McCain~Palin Victory Rally. It was Awesome as well as Awe-inspiring! The Rally was record breaker for the McCain~Palin Campaign so far and estimated 23,000! I waited in a line about a mile long and it built up a few miles further past me. Security was quick and John, Cindy, Sarah, and Todd arrived on time and the speeches were Amazing! Oh! And Fred Thompson did the warm up for Sarah Palin and John McCain. Fred had all the jabs for the scandals du-jour, all above the belt. One of the best lines was from a warm up speaker, a small business women from Richmond, VA a former Obama supporter who changed to a McCain supporter. She runs a bio fuel processing plant and she said, "Obama's plans for taxing small businesses scares the bio fuel out of me!"

Some of the best campaign buttons:
1)Palin 2008 Read My Lipstick ~ Change is coming!
2)Palin for VP with flag sequined pumps ~ Change has arrived!
3)Republican Kids for McCain!

Here is a link from one of my favorite bloggers on the Rally:
The other funny thing was some Obama supporter protesting the Rally. They were heckling the line. I noticed some of them looked very much like the day labors that we see across the NoVA area. I wonder if Obama hired them for the day?